Click on the link below to order your transcripts through our electronic transcript service!
STEP ONE: Click on the blue "Order Records" link above and sign in as New User if an account has not been created
If you have not created an account yet, you will be asked to create your profile. If you are a parent creating an account for your student(s), you will add students by clicking on "Profile" on the top right corner and selecting "Add Student". If you have more than one child, you can add them all to your account through this selection. If you have already created an account, make sure you verify you have the correct student selected by checking their name at the top of the page.
EXPERT TIP: open an account with a PERSONAL email address (not your email).
STEP TWO: Click on Order Your Transcript
STEP THREE: Where would you like to send the credential?
You can choose a school by using the search bar or you can select "I'm sending to myself or another individual". If you select that you are sending it to yourself or another individual, you will be asked to select which one of those two you are wanting. This can be used if you cannot find the college you need to send it to in the search bar or you are sending it to a business.
STEP FOUR: Enter Recipients Information
The next screen will allow you to review who you are sending it to and payment information (the school pays for this service for current students).
On this page, you will also be asked to list when you would like it to be sent. If you select "Send Now", the transcript will be sent immediately. If you choose "Hold For Grades" the school will wait to send it to your recipient when the final Semester 2 grades are updated on the transcript. This is a great option for those that would like to order your final transcript ahead of time and have it automatically sent as soon as grades are finalized.
At the bottom of the page you will then sign and date that you give approval for your information to be released to your selected recipient.
STEP FIVE: Once you complete your order, you will see an order confirmation screen.
We encourage you to order multiple transcripts - one to be sent to your home and one to be sent to your college/university/trade school. Please be sure to mark "HOLD FOR GRADES" and it will be sent in mid-June after Semester 2 grades are posted.
EXPERT TIP: order at least 3 transcripts - one for your own records, one you keep sealed at home in case of a crisis, and one you send to your next school/employer. Once you open a transcript it is no longer official - keep that in mind!
Orders are filled within 1 business day during the regular school year. If you enter a request after graduation, your order may take up to a week to be completed.
EXPERT TIP: Do this before you walk the stage in do NOT want a crisis when you are trying to start college, school, or a job! We could tell you horror stories...don't let that be you! Do it in late May! We send all the transcripts out in a big batch as soon as grades are finalized the week after graduation!
As of June 2024, electronic transcripts are FREE through October 12th. Print copies are $7 each.
If you have any questions, check in with Mrs. Couvrette ( Note that it may take 24-48 hours for her to respond to your question!